
The Windows version of Magnolia is distributed as an executable installer file. Once downloaded, simply run the installer executable and follow the instructions on the installer dialog windows. The Windows version of Magnolia includes the required Java Development Kit (JDK) in the installer, so it is not necessary to install the JDK separately. The installer will place a shortcut to Magnolia in the Windows “start” menu. Click this shortcut to start Magnolia.  Example models will be installed to the current user's documents folder.


The MacOS version of Magnolia is distributed as a MacOS application installer (.pkg file).  To install the application, simply double-click the downloaded .pkg file and follow the instructions in the installer dialog.  The Magnolia application will be installed to the macOS applications folder, along with the required Java Development Kit; example models will be installed to the /Users/Shared folder.  Double click the Magnolia application icon in the applications folder to start Magnolia.


On Linux platforms, Magnolia is distributed as a simple compressed archive.  Magnolia is installed by uncompressing this archive to the desired folder on the target computer using the preferred uncompressing tool.  Note that the Java Development Kit (JDK) must be independently installed and configured to run Magnolia on Linux systems.